The Day Rehabilitation Centres
The Yad Sarah Day Rehabilitation Centres throughout Israel offer a protected environment for recuperating patients who have experienced a reduction in physical and mental fitness and independence as a result of surgery, heart attack, stroke, extended hospitalization or confinement to bed.
At these centres – in Jerusalem, Rishon LeZion, Raanana, Beer Sheva and Kfar Saba – the patient enjoys a holistic rehabilitation program that includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, hydrotherapy, and proper nutrition. In addition, the centres offer a full range of stimulating and creative activities that include computer classes, art classes, gardening, and more.
Not only does this period of recovery forestall a return to a hospital or rehabilitative institution, but more importantly, it enables the convalescent to achieve optimal personal independence, better health, and a better quality of life while remaining at home.
Individuals thrive in the warm, nurturing environment of the Day Rehabilitation Centres, where they enjoy both a light breakfast and nutritious lunch prepared in our special kitchens.