From the comfort of her bed, 90-year-old Hanna Makani is able to look out her large living room window of her home in Petach Tikvah – enjoying the view and the family and guests who love to come to visit her. Even though she transitioned to around-the-clock care in recent months, thanks to Yad Sarah
I was born in Johannesburg to a Zionist family. My mother, who was a Holocaust survivor, volunteered at Women’s International Zionist Organization (WIZO) for many years. After the Six Day War, I came to Israel to volunteer with the IDF and in 1969, I finally decided to make Aliyah. I lived in Jerusalem and over
At 40 years old, a brilliant Bible scholar and professor was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Despite his diagnosis, the man continued to teach at a prestigious university and work with generations of students. During the summer, he and his wife would live at their home in Jerusalem, arriving in June and staying until after the