Home Visits
Dedicated Yad Sarah volunteers provide a social framework for people with functional difficulties and for seniors who are housebound.
These people are unable to integrate into existing community activities due to their physical limitations. Volunteers visit them weekly, offering companionship and intellectual stimulation.
Together they chat, play, read, or engage in common interests. They may also engage in creative activities such as crafts, drawing, computer activity, or singing.
The joy of doing and creating and the challenge of learning something new and exciting, empowers the patient, raises his self-esteem, and reveals to him or her a new world that eases his or her loneliness, with lasting effect!
The service is designed for lonely and housebound seniors and people with functional difficulties over the age of 18. The service is designed to empower the patient, offer family members a much needed break, and expose them to other Yad Sarah services that might be of help.
The service is provided free of charge.
Home Visiting volunteers operate in 26 Yad Sarah centres throughout the country.